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Quantifying interlimb asymmetries has been a topic of interest for many. However there are many factors to consider to ensure you collect accurate, reliable and meaningful information to guide your programming. This mini-series introduces you to some of the key consideration that you need to be aware of when assessing and monitoring interlimb asymmetry in your clients and athletes. 

I will be releasing a new mini module each week, for the next 12 weeks, so be sure to check back! I hope you enjoy this series. 

Enrol in this free mini-course

Designed for physiotherapists, physical therapists and strength and conditioning coaches

Module 1

Asymmetry Threshold

A contentious issue regarding the profiling of interlimb asymmetry is the use of thresholds to determine whether an athlete displays a “meaningful” or potentially “problematic” asymmetry. Let's take a look at some of the issues related to this topic.
Asymmetry Thresholds Online Course

Module 2

Assessing Asymmetry

A plethora of assessments are available for the quantification of asymmetry. Let's take a quick look at what you need to know in terms of preparing for inter-limb asymmetry testing.
Assessing Asymmetry, How to assess asymmetry

Module 3

Calculating Asymmetry

Do you know how to calculate the degree of asymmetry between limbs? Are there multiple methods? How comparable are the different methods? Check out this resource to find out!

Module 4

Interpreting/Representing Asymmetry

How do you interpret and represent your asymmetry scores? There’s a few different ideas in this module so let’s check it out.

Module 5

Countermovement Jump Testing

Some of the most common strength/power tests used in asymmetry testing are the vertical jumps. In this module you the countermovement jump is a particular focus, so let’s get into it.

Module 6

Assessing Elastic Capability

An eccentric (stretch) contraction followed immediately by a concentric (shorten) contraction, is termed a stretch-shorten cycle (SSC) and is common in most forms of locomotion. The eccentric-concentric coupling typically enhances efficiency and output, however, surprisingly this eccentric enhancement is often overlooked in the assessment of asymmetry. Check out this resource to learn more.
How to assess elastic capability

Module 7

Fast and Slow Stretch-Shorten Cycle Asymmetry

Broadly speaking the stretch-shorten cycle (SSC) can be classified as fast or slow dependent on an arbitrary threshold of 250 ms. Of interest in the return to training/play assessment of athletes is whether both slow and fast SSC function is restored.
Fast and Slow Stretch Shorten Cycle Performance, Asymmetry

Module 8 (Out Now)

Asymmetry In Multi-Directional Jumping

Can you remember what those Venn diagrams mean from your school days? In this resource we look at the shared variance between vertical, horizontal, and lateral countermovement jumps. You will explore whether asymmetries are planar specific, whether results are different across sporting cohorts, and what do individual results look like instead of averaged.
Fast and Slow Stretch Shorten Cycle Performance, Asymmetry

Founder of JC Online - PhD (Auckland), Bed, MA (Canada), Dip High Performance Coaching (Canada), Dip PE, Dip Tchng. Professor John Cronin

Hi, I am John Cronin, AKA JC and I am a Professor in Strength and Conditioning. I am primarily an educator, researcher, and mentor. I have two passions – one related to improving human movement, athleticism and sporting performance via strength and conditioning, and the other related to sharing this information with others.