Optimising Assessment and Exercise Prescription with Force Plates
Enrol now in this free online resource
Your force plates can provide you a myriad of information that can take your diagnostics and exercise prescription to the next level, which in term will optimise athlete or patient outcomes. However, the amount of information can also be overwhelming and overly complicated. These series of resources are designed as short courses that strip back the use of force plates to fundamentals, keeping it simple to understand and easy to implement. The journey begins with a refresher on muscle physiology and mechanics. You will then look inside a few variables that can guide assessment and exercise prescription for isometrics and concentrics. Thereafter some additional variables will be introduced that will guide your assessing and prescribing of eccentrics and stretch-shorten cycle movements. You will also be introduced to balance assessment and programming. Underlying all this will be how force plates can be used to restore or improve force capability from a muscle, tendon and/or connective tissue perspective. The resources are designed with all learning types in mind and are self-paced. Enjoy!
Musculotendinous Fundamentals
Assessing and Improving Contractile Tissue
Assessing and Improving Connective Tissue Function
Assessing and Improving Tendon Function
Assessing and Improving Tendon Function
Squat Jump
Countermovement Jump
Fast and Slow Stretch-Shorten Cycle